Xavier Manzanares Padilla. Your Logistic and International Transport Partner & Business Executor.
Xavier Manzanares Padilla.  Your Logistic and International Transport Partner &  Business Executor.

About me

Name: Xavier Manzanares
City: El Prat de Llobregat - 08820




Languages: Catalan, Spanish, English and some French and Italian.


My favorite phrases:

"Is not relevant the times you fall off. It's only important the times you wake up."


Yo en redes sociales

es.linkedin.com/pub/xavier-manzanares-padilla/13/76/431 https://www.experteer.es/profile/view






Due my extensive experience  in logistics, transportation and distribution, I can lead and develop projects of foreign companies in Spanish national market, in the following way: 


  • Search for the best deals in terms of quality and price of logistics, transport and distribution service providers or carriers that are offerts the needs of the customers international.
  • Presentation of offers to customers for their study.
  • Negotiation with the operators selected in the name of the company client or accompaniment to the person designated by the client to visit the selected operators. 
  • Closing partnership agreements. 


Once this phase is complete, the customer can choose between: 


  • Deploy directly to a designated person to take responsibility for the perfect operation every day of the operator. 
  •  Either I personally can occupy this responsibility temporarily or permanently, depending on the intention of the client, not only responsible for the day-to-day operations, also to verify both the kpi's requested by the client, and verification and validation of invoices issued by the provider of logistics and transportation.